The How-To on Facebook Marketing Campaigns

Posted by Meg Sepulveda on Jul 21, 2020 8:15:00 AM


There's a secret that well-seasoned marketers know. No matter how many warm fuzzies an ad campaign gives you, or how clever, or funny, or relevant it is, none of it matters if the campaign can't drive engagement that leads to revenue. No matter how well the intention should have played out, a campaign that falls flat often loses all the stakeholder support and is replaced with new efforts. That can be stressful whether you are in in-house marketer, a freelancer, or an agency under contract.

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Topics: Social Media Management, Marketing Strategy, Influencer, Marketing Methodology, Tips From the Pros

5 Ways to Work Together While We're Apart

Posted by Jason Johnson on Mar 31, 2020 3:00:00 PM


Social distancing is the hottest new term in our culture's arsenal. The unique side of this is that it is not so much of a social disconnection, as it is an experience of physical distance. We've had years of being social online, with people we have never met. Outside of your Mom wishing you and the kids would visit more, the pressures of distance have been eased by Facebook, Google Hangouts, FaceTime, and others. Yet, the challenge that so many are experiencing right now is not how to be more socially present, but how to cooperate and collaborate well in their space.

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Topics: Prime Culture, Influencer, Marketing Methodology, S.M.A.R.T. Goals, Digital Strategy, Tips From the Pros

Linkedin Learning: The Tool That Will Change Your Work Game

Posted by Meg Sepulveda on Mar 24, 2020 9:45:00 AM
I remember the first time I heard about a business social media app, like Facebook, but for adults or work. I was in high school. I took a class that was supposed to get me ready for the real world. More than just building a paper resume, the course was designed to help me think about career aspirations, what I would do, and where I could go. One of our focuses was setting up a LinkedIn account to open our eyes to the world of online networking.
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Topics: Social Media Management, Social Influencers, Influencer, S.M.A.R.T. Goals, The Mobile Economy, IoT, Freelance Economy

The top 10 design quotes you need to give your creativity a jolt

Posted by Alexa Audet on Mar 17, 2020 2:15:00 PM

Not that the starting and stopping of our work should ever hinge on it, but every designer finds themselves at one point or another in need of a little inspiration. And while it should never dictate our output, inspiration plays a vital role in the creative process. Maybe you're stuck in a rut, feeling like all of your final products look like carbon copies. Perhaps you're taking up the reins on something so new and unfamiliar it's terrifying, and you're looking for a little gumption. Maybe you just want to know there are other creatives out there paddling in the same boat as you. Whatever the reason, all designers from one time to another go scrolling for bits of inspiration. But scroll no more! We've taken it upon ourselves to put together the top 10 best quotes around design to give you the creative kick in the pants you're starving for.


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Topics: Influencer, Design Forward Thinking

How to Freelance Like a Pro

Posted by Joshua Weir on Jan 21, 2020 10:00:00 AM

This week's offering from PRIME is from one of our amazing and talented freelancers:

Collette Hinnenkamp 

Founder of Bon Temps Collective

(pictured above)

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Topics: Prime Culture, Influencer, IoT, Design Forward Thinking, Freelance Economy

Social Media Influencers: Finding and tracking the Right Influence

Posted by Meg Sepulveda on Jan 7, 2020 11:30:00 AM

While it’s still unsure how Instagram’s latest like policy will change the face of influencer marketing, we think it’s safe the say that the marketing niche certainly won’t be going anywhere. So much so, that by 2020, influencer marketing is projected to be a $10 billion industry. That’s billion. With a “B.” With so much focus (and budget) on influencer marketing, you’d assume that most marketers can track what the ROI of their influencers are. But you know what they say about assumptions.

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Topics: Marketing Strategy, Web Analytics and Tracking, Social Influencers, Influencer, Brand Evangelism, IoT

The Hunt for Influence: 6 Reasons you need Influencer Marketing

Posted by Meg Sepulveda on Dec 24, 2019 10:00:00 AM

Over the last few years, we've watched influencer marketing explode like a mac truck in a Van Damme movie. The past year was the biggest yet, indicating nothing but a continual climb for the marketing channel in the future. But as big as influencer marketing has become, many small businesses are still unfamiliar with how it works, as well as if it's right for their brand. That's why today we're explaining exactly what influencer marketing is, and why no matter who you are, it needs to be part of your marketing. Let's dive right in.

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Topics: Social Media Management, Influencer, Brand Evangelism, Marketing Methodology, Strategic Growth, Messaging


Posted by Joshua Weir on Jun 4, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Over the past few years, there is a new infatuation that has been sweeping over our nation. For better or worse, it's been washing over our televisions, newspapers, social media feeds, and now, our marketing campaigns. From the white house to the Kardashians and their diet shakes, we've become obsessed with controversy. And as a business, it's something to be aware of. If a marketer's job is to keep her finger on the pulse of the nation, and that pulse is racing, what does that mean for her work? Does she stoke the flames of this new infatuation? What does she risk if she does? Better yet, what does she risk if she doesn't? Today we're taking a look at some real-life examples of controversial marketing campaigns and the repercussions for the companies who created them. 

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Topics: Marketing Strategy, Social Influencers, Branded Content, Influencer, Brand Evangelism, Marketing Methodology, Target Marketing


Posted by Gregg Alexander on May 21, 2019 8:00:00 AM

In the past decade or so, we've seen the emergence of one of the most powerful marketing tools since the invention of automation: The Influencer. When tapped correctly, the influencer can be a major asset for promoting your brand awareness and overall product. On the contrary, influencer marketing done poorly can come back to bite you in the business butt in a major way. Today we're taking a look at what an influencer is, as well as some inspiration on how to use them, and some serious warnings on how not to use them from real life booms and busts. 

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Topics: Social Media Management, Marketing Strategy, Social Influencers, Brand Growth, product marketing, Branded Content, Influencer, Brand Evangelism

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