Why Launching a New Website Isn’t Going to Fix Your Marketing

Posted by Ben Fjare on Sep 14, 2022 10:30:00 AM



We love the opportunity to help a client launch a new website. Whether it’s your first website for your business or you are looking to refresh your existing website, our experts at PRIME are here to help you through the process. While a new website can help boost and energize your marketing, it is just a piece of the bigger marketing picture. Before you jump into a new website, here are some other things to consider.


Analyze the Data You Have

The PRIME staff is packed with data nerds. Before making any significant decisions about our own marketing, we always look at our data and use it to make educated decisions about the direction we will go. An excellent free tool to analyze your current site data is Google Analytics. Google Analytics allows you to analyze trends in traffic and visitation to your website and shows who is coming to your website and how long they are spending there.  If you’re new to using Google Analytics, there are many resources to help you learn how to use this tool, including Google Skillshop’s Analytics Courses


Audit Your Current Site

Before jumping into a total site overhaul, take some time to audit your existing website and consider what a customer might see. Review your content to see if it aligns with your business goals, and assess whether your site navigation is sufficient. Sometimes, you need to dig deeper into your website and improve your search engine optimization (SEO) to see a positive change. Improving your SEO can increase your web traffic and ensure your website is featured in relevant searches that attract visitors interested in what you’re selling. If you’re looking for some simple fixes to improve your SEO, check out our blog with three suggestions

Photo of hands on a keyboard.


Adjust Your Audience

Another big piece of the website data puzzle is looking at your audience and seeing if you need to make any changes to your targeting. Dig into your email lists and social media followers, consider how you communicate with them, and make sure you’re drawing those folks to your website. Social media and email marketing are cost-effective ways to engage your audience and direct them to your website while also improving your traffic


Improve Calls to Action

Occasionally, the fix is as simple as improving your call to action to get better results. If you currently only use links in your CTAs, consider adding a button. Draw the eye of website visitors by making that button a complementary color to your current website. Another way to build a strong CTA is to revamp your language. Try adding a sense of urgency like using the word “today” to encourage customers to make an appointment or invite them to reach out with questions via a “contact us” button.

Have you completed all these steps and are still looking to get more out of your website? Check out the PRIME Guide: How to Get the Most Out of Your Website for more helpful tips. Or, if you’re ready to move forward with a new website, give us a ring at PRIME!


Download our PRIME Guide: How to Get the Most Out of Your Website

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