Posted by Joshua Weir on Jun 4, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Over the past few years, there is a new infatuation that has been sweeping over our nation. For better or worse, it's been washing over our televisions, newspapers, social media feeds, and now, our marketing campaigns. From the white house to the Kardashians and their diet shakes, we've become obsessed with controversy. And as a business, it's something to be aware of. If a marketer's job is to keep her finger on the pulse of the nation, and that pulse is racing, what does that mean for her work? Does she stoke the flames of this new infatuation? What does she risk if she does? Better yet, what does she risk if she doesn't? Today we're taking a look at some real-life examples of controversial marketing campaigns and the repercussions for the companies who created them. 

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Topics: Marketing Strategy, Social Influencers, Branded Content, Influencer, Brand Evangelism, Marketing Methodology, Target Marketing

How Traditional Marketing is Feeding Your Digital Strategy

Posted by Gregg Alexander on May 28, 2019 8:00:00 AM

If you were to search for articles on building a strategy for your marketing efforts, you'd get a whole heap of advice on how to build a successful digital marketing strategy. That's all fine and dandy, but what about traditional marketing? Has the sun set on its benefits? Or is it possible that traditional marketing can still play a huge role in feeding your digital strategy? To answer these questions, first we need to define what the heck it is we're talking about. Let's take a look at what exactly these terms mean, and how they can work together to build a beefy marketing strategy.

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Topics: Marketing Strategy, Brand Growth, Marketing Methodology, Target Marketing, Digital Strategy, Traditional Marketing

5 Question Categories to ask Customers when Building Buyer Personas

Posted by Jason Johnson on May 14, 2019 8:00:00 AM

When creating your marketing messaging, it's kind of important to know who you're talking to. And by kind of, we mean a whole hell of a lot. The best way to define who you're talking to is by creating buyer personas. A buyer persona is a representation of a fictional buyer who fits the profile of your customers. This is more than just assuming general attributes; it's a character based on data. 

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Topics: Marketing Strategy, Brand Growth, product marketing, Brand Evangelism, Marketing Methodology, Strategic Growth, Target Marketing, S.M.A.R.T. Goals

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